On October 31, 2022 base emission rates for all Tezotopia in-game currencies will be halved. UNO, ENR, MCH, MIN will all produce 50% less at the base level, meaning your 9x UNO block will go from producing at a rate of 0.0045/hr to 0.00225/hr—the following are the base rate adjustments:
UNO: 0.00025/hr
ENR: 0.375/hr
MIN: 0.25/hr
MCH: 0.125/hr (now requiring 0.125 Energy and 0.125 Minerals to be produced.)
These changes will go into effect on October 31—no set time, but we will announce when it’s happening, so please claim resources before then or you will suffer the consequences after The Halvening and only half your expected emissions will be minted.
Right now, the plan is to have a Halvening every Halloween for the foreseeable future. We believe this practice + continued applications of use cases throughout our upcoming game titles and Tezotopia will allow for a healthy sustainable future for all in-game currencies well into the Gifinity and Beyond.
We’ve seen some revitalization with the simple use case for wagering UNO to battle, and the future roadmap has several other use cases for all resources that we are hopeful the Tezotopia Universe currencies will benefit immensely from this model.
Thanks to everyone for input and feedback on The Halvening, we hope it’s something that sparks enthusiasm and interest each year as it approaches.